with Lori Grace

For those who are already familiar with NVC, you will find Embodied Compassionate Communication a wonderful support to become more fluent with Compassionate Communication. For those who are new to Compassionate Communication, body awareness work can help you to learn NVC more quickly and deeply. Miracles can happen when we can enter our body, breathe, listen with an open heart, and respond with care and consideration. This kind of connection with ourselves can help us to connect more effectively with both ourselves and others. While this may be obvious, it is easier said than done!
Come to learn great ways to find your center, listen without judgment, and dialogue with others in such a way that everyone wins. Sensory awareness work, subtle breath work, Gestalt awareness work, Aikido centering movements and role-playing will be used to help you learn how to:
*Practice self-empathy more deeply and more quickly, be able to make requests of yourself that are do-able and that you can trust.
* Tune into your feelings and needs so that you know more clearly what you really want from both yourself and others* Communicate your desires in so that you can be more easily heard and understood
.* Empathize more effectively with the needs of others.
* Assure others that you’ve heard and understood them.
* Arrive at win-win agreements by empathizing better with yourself and others.
You will also learn how body awareness can increase your ability to empathize with yourself and create win-win agreements with yourself! This comes from Gestalt awareness work. The class is a journey into your body-mind and how it can support you in feeling more confident in expressing yourself, more self-aware and more empathetic towards both yourself and others. Lori is particularly excited that her class is composed mostly of exercises that permit you to be the discoverer of the body-mind truths she wants you to learn. Each participant will receive a free copy of our NVC guide and some basic guidelines for grounding and centering in our bodies as we go through life.
If you have financial challenges, please call the office at 415-924-7824,
or Lori at 415-435-2583.
Please pre-register, even if you plan to pay at the door .It helps us to better plan.

Lori Grace, MA, is founder and executive director of Sunrise Center. She has a strong background in many body-centered therapies, among them Aikido centering work, Biogenergetics, Tantra yoga, NLP, breath work and movement therapy. She has combined her experience in these fields with her background in NVC to create Embodied Compassionate Communication. In her life, body-centered awareness and role-playing have contributed greatly to Lori becoming fluent in being more empathetic and having more peace and harmony in her life.Lori has a private practice in Embodied Compassionate Communication. She can be reached at 415-435-2583 or info@sunrisecenter.org.
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